Erica Jenkins

Erica Jenkins

15 Simple DIY Halloween Costumes

In my family we grew up making our costumes. I think homemade costumes can be the greatest costumes around.  Whether its sewed, duck taped, or hot glued, seeing your completed project just makes it that much sweeter!...

Haunted Houses in the East Valley

  Hey all you ghosts and goblins, its that time of year to not only dress the kids up and trick or treat, but also time to get scared out of your mind! Here a little...

From crib to toddler bed

  A few weeks ago I randomly decided it was time, for the big move.  With a little less than 6 months from when baby 4 arrives I knew it was time to have my...

A plus size pregnancy

  I wanted to write about something that doesn't seem to be spoken about much, Plus size pregnancy. It's no secret that I am a plus size woman, and I don't run or hide from that...

Just a day in life

Hey everyone! How's summer going for ya?  For most its almost over, right?  I know I am so excited for school to be back in session.  Just a week left of summer!! WOOT! If you've...