I wanted to write about something that doesn’t seem to be spoken about much, Plus size pregnancy.
It’s no secret that I am a plus size woman, and I don’t run or hide from that fact. I’ve been on the smaller plus size spectrum and the bigger size, and especially when its came to being pregnant. Anytime I’m pregnant one of the first things I do is google the words “plus size pregnancy” and not much comes up. There are a few blog posts, a couple You Tube videos, and some articles but really compared to just searching “pregnancy” its pretty sparse and that makes me kinda sad. Maybe its because of shame hovering around being a plus size woman or maybe its not, I don’t know, but I’m gonna give other woman who are searching for plus size pregnancies something to find!
My name is Erica Jenkins and I’m in my 4th plus size pregnancy. Yes, you read that correctly, this momma is knocked up and I am ready to rock it. Believe me when I tell you how shocked my husband and I were to find out we were!! One night at 11pm, he was at the store I called him and said ” uhhh, hey while you’re there wanna bring home a pregnancy test?”
We were done having kids, but I’m happy we are gonna be adding to our family. Its an exciting time for us and I’m not going to hide in my room as my belly gets bigger and bigger and bigger! I love myself and I love that I am able to create and carry my babies at whatever size I happen to start at. Will it be easy, no. Will I get looks and weirdness, sure, most pregnant ladies do. That won’t stop me from sharing, and enjoying this special time.
Since having been around the plus size pregnancy block a few times, I thought I’d just share a few things that have come up in my past pregnancies that might show up again.
- If you want to know how far along I am, please do not guess by looking at me. Trust me when I say you’ll get it wrong, you’ll feel bad, and it’ll be awkward for you. Lets not go through that.
- If you do ask how far along I am don’t be surprised by the number, and be shocked I’m not farther along. I looked 5 months pregnant at 5 week with all my pregnancies. All woman’s body respond differently.
- Be excited for me, not worried for me. I know my body and what it can handle.
- I do in fact work muscles, move and eat my fruits & vegetables.
- This one is not just being plus size but pregnancy in general. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it. This one could get you the stare of a million deaths and lasers. You have been warned.
Basically, what I want is to have you join me in this surprise journey. The ups and downs, the aches and pains, the birth, everything. For me, I haven’t found/seen enough plus size pregnant woman really showing what they got. Be proud of who you are! I am truly so excited for this next little one to join my family and I would love the support from you fabulous readers. So for the time being my posts may be more related to pregnancy and different things I’ve learned and experienced and I hope you’ll keep reading along.
A little something to keep the masses happy. Enjoy.
How far along? 11 weeks
Maternity clothes? I had gotten rid of mine after my last one, but I’m on the hunt. Its hard to find decent plus size maternity clothes that you don’t have to sell your newborn baby to afford. Its brutal out there.
Sleep: I’ve been sleeping very well. I’m sandwiched between two pillows and its like a cloud.
Best moment this week: I went to the doctor and got to see & hear baby for the first time.
Miss Anything? my precious diet DP. I don’t drink soda during my pregnancies. It is just my own personal rule.
Food cravings: steak, salads, hot chocolate, sandwiches, sausage…I know there are more but at the moment those sound the best.
Anything making you queasy or sick: smells, like my stinky children. I’m always on the verge of throwing up but I have not yet. It’s the worst holding it back but for me its a mind game.
Have you started to show yet: well yes, by default i look 5 months pregnant. 🙂
Gender prediction: this one is a toss up, we have name lists for both right now and we’d be so excited for either.
Wedding rings on or off? they still fit and they probably would through most of the pregnancy but i took them off immediately after i saw Jimmy Fallons ring finger incident. yeah, i’m not cool with that happening right now.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I’m happy. In the morning I’m a bit of a grump, but i was never really a morning person before this.
Looking forward to: everything
Congratulations, Erica! What an exciting time for your family! I hope you have a wonderful pregnancy.
Can I blame pregnancy brain for just seeing your comment?! ahhHH!! thank you so much!! Hopefully everything keeps going smooth!
I just want to say thank you for sharing. My husband and I are a little older than the normal child bearing years…me almost 30 and my husband almost 40. We are both obese. We have been firm on being the childless couple we have been for 7 years but now something seems to be stirring between us. We are contemplating bringing a child into the world. I needed to read something like what you have posted. Again thank you so much! Very inspiring.
Britney, Thank you so much for your comment! It’s definitely a difficult decision to have a baby no matter what the circumstances. Just know I’m here for you and understand how scary it can be! I hope the best for you and your husband! I’m available to talk if you ever need to. 🙂
So glad you shared this again as a favorite!! It’s terrific, and so needed!! This is my third pregnancy and each one, I’ve started off at a different size and gained a different amount (I started at 158 and gained 30 with my first, started at about 165 and gained 12 with my second, started at 135 this time and have gained almost 20–my first two were both 8 lbs 5 oz!). Everyone’s commentary on my size is astounding, I can’t believe how insensitive people can be. So big, so small, am I eating enough, am I worried…how about, “You look beautiful!” When people give me a nice compliment, they can have a free belly pat! 🙂
This article really helped me feel better. I am on my third pregnancy and I’m only 5 weeks and I look like I’m 4 or 5 months pregnant. Thank you for sharing your stories.
Breanna! Congratulations on your pregnancy! Thank you for your comment, I’m so glad this was helpful to you! I really hope your pregnancy goes well!