Cara Lespron
10 Moving and Packing Tips from a Mom Who’s Moved 5 Times in 5...
My family just moved into our fifth home in five years. My husband’s job took us from our home we loved in Phoenix to Tucson. While we were there, we moved from a small...
What to Expect from an Arizona DES State Evaluation for Speech Therapy Support
When my son turned one, he wasn't talking. He would make a few sounds, but the words weren't there. We attributed it to him being a boy, the second child and his older sister...
Forever Changed: How Barre has Changed My Mind About Exercise
For as long as I can remember I've hated exercise.
Like really, really hated it.
In elementary school I would intentionally wear the wrong shoes on PE day in hopes it would give me an out....
Birthday Bash: A Truly Picture Perfect Picnic for a 6 Year Old’s Birthday
I hate to say it, but Covid ruined birthdays in 2020. I know, public health trumps birthdays, but it was just one more thing we had to miss out on. As an adult, it...
I Suppose I’m a Dog Person Now
Let me just put this out there: I am not an animal person. Sure, I like animals, I'm not s serial killer. I just have never loved animals or understood people's deep, extreme (sometimes...