My kids and I are HUGE fans of podcasts. With such a diverse range of topics available (with my personal favorite one The Dais Podcast by Rachel Hollis), podcasts allow me to expose my family to a wide variety of age-appropriate topics while doing chores or riding in the car! I’ve listed the top 5 that we listen to but there are so many options available on streaming services such as Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
Dream Big!
“The Dream Big Podcast is a family-friendly podcast inspiring kids (and adults!) to pursue their passions in life and take action to make their dreams a reality. ” Starring 8-year old Eva Karpman, the Dream Big podcast is broken up into 20-30 minute segments making it perfect for kids and their parents to listen to while in the car! Visit their website to receive a customized journal that is sure to inspire your kids!
Brains On! Science podcast
Do you ever wonder about your circadian rhythm? Or why your body is susceptible to motion sickness? Brains On!® is a science podcast for curious kids and adults from American Public Media. Kid scientists and reporters from public radio co-host Brains On each week and ask tons of questions about science.
April Eight
April Eight is a delightful original fairytale podcast that the whole family will love. From the creators of April Eight: “…on the April Eight Songs & Stories Podcast, unexpected heroes take the day in pursuit of life’s simple truth: Love conquers all and will always find a way.”
Peace Out Podcast
We love Peace Out Podcast at home and in the car. (If you’ve been in a car with screaming/fighting kids then you’ll know why and if you’re a parent then you HAVE been there). Peace Out Podcast has short stories that help children calm down and relax by teaching them visualization and breathing techniques. This podcast is also very effective for bedtime and also helps teach children (and adults) mindfulness.
Short & Curly
Short & Curly is ideal for kiddos aged 7-12 as it’s fast paced podcast that asks thought provoking questions about ethics. It’s a great podcast to listen to while making dinner and discuss over your meal!
Do you and your family have a favorite podcast to listen to?