A working mom (WM) never cooks, their house is messy, and they can’t possibly have a bond with their kids. Hold up! Of course I’m kidding but also exposing the assumption that many stay at home moms (SAHM) have. Before I go any further, please know I’m not pitting sides however, I do want to be a voice for all moms who choose to or must work.
I spent 20 years serving our country, 10 of which I was a single mom. I obtained a Bachelors and a Masters simultaneously working and standing duty periodically, I was physically and spiritually at my fittest. Madi was always committed to a sport and I was there for each practice and game.
-Now that I’ve been home for 3 years and just now going back to work the one question I keep asking myself is, how did I do it? What’s really interesting is it was, hands down, the best years of my life-
So I want to tell you how I successfully did it, give you 10 reasons why it’s okay be a WM, and why I’m going back!
First, organization and planning was the key to my daughter and I surviving. I had her outfit picked out and my uniform pressed and ready the night before. I was asleep by 9:30 latest. I would wake up early enough to have a cup of coffee and do a devotion before getting ready for work. I trained my girl how to load the car with lunch bags, backpack, and gym bag. By 7 she was proudly starting the car, turning the on the heater (we lived in Chicago), and turning the radio dial to our favorite station. Don’t freak out, we had a garage and a very safe neighborhood.
The earlier we teach independence and self-sufficiency, the closer we are to creating a high functioning citizen.
I started work at 7:30 a.m., exercised during my lunch period, picked up my daughter from after care and we went home. If I didn’t work out during lunch, she would ride her bike while I’d go for a run. I always made a simple dinner on the weeknights and we’d enjoy the heck out of each other and prepare for the next day. A major plus- there was no social media at this time hence no distractions. Now, let’s get to the reasons why it’s good to be a WM.
- It brings in more income, consequently more opportunities for your family. If your husband makes booku bucks, this may not excite you.
- It provides you with accolades and job well done’s. Let’s face it, Intrinsic motivation has to be what keeps us going because in the early years of parenting, it’s a purely selfless duty.
- Adult interaction- Need I say more
- If you eat sensibly and exercise, you will probably be healthier and more fit due to the inability to graze the kitchen all day long.
- You will maintain a skill and always be prepared to provide. Nothing is guaranteed. If you’re married, I’m not talking about divorce. I’m just saying life has lots of curves.
- Learning and working inherently provide a sense of self-worth and esteem.
- A work-life balance is inevitable. You appreciate your home, kids, and extracurricular fun more and miss it. Remember, too much of a good thing can turn not so good.
- Hustling is admirable on all ends
- You will teach your kids, specifically daughters to chase any and all dreams. We had many women fight for the ability to enter into nearly any career field as a man.
- It’s good because you want and/or need it.
My oldest daughter and I are so close, I’m talking Lorelai and Rory Gilmore style with the exception I can’t eat out every night and remain thin and my oldest is definitely not attending Harvard. She has always been responsible for contributing to our home in whatever way was age appropriate. And, we always talked and love a lot. Prepare, organize, and hustle. It works if you work it.
I will be going back to work shortly because we need it and God opened the RIGHT door and I’m so excited to reignite my hustler flames.
Great read and the perfect reminder to “work it”! I needed that today!
I’m a WM w a wonderful husband that regularly needs help w chores and reminders on his domestic duties, mother of an active 2 ur old son, who works out regularly, cooks almost every meal, owns a DS business outside of my day job…and well, the one who gets it done. I wouldn’t have it any other way but the reminders and lifting is always nice!
Love u!