During this stay-at-home time, people are growing babies and due dates are around the corner. I know how hard it must be to not be able to host an in-person baby shower, but there is no need to cancel completely! I recently hosted a virtual baby shower for my best friend and it went super great! I thought I would take the time to share all the details about it so you can also celebrate virtually too!
Here are some ground rules-
- Have someone host the virtual baby shower! Make one person the designated host. It will help keep things flowing and directing the group.
- Use Zoom or another video conferencing platform to host the virtual baby shower. I created a personalized baby shower virtual background for us to use on Zoom. Send it out beforehand so everyone can have it set up and ready.
- Set up an agenda and have the host send it out beforehand. Give some guidelines on what to expect and if they need to bring anything with them while attending the virtual baby shower.
- Keep the invite list to a smaller group. I would suggest having your friend and your family virtual baby shower separately. Too many people could take away from the flow. We have a total of 10 of us and it was a perfect amount.
- Make sure your pregnant mama dresses up. Have her decorate a bit or get her family or spouse to do it. My best friend decorated a little corner of her apartment and her virtual shower felt a little more special.
- Remind all attendees to send the new mom her gifts before the virtual baby shower. Then have the mom-to-be not open the gifts until the shower. Make sure to set time aside during the event to have her open the gifts.
- Have a handful of games to play! This will help the host keep things moving.
What games to play-
- Childhood trivia. Have the mom-to-be answer childhood questions in advance. Zoom has a poll feature where you can input questions and multiple choice answers. This game sparked lots of convo and laughs.
- Guess the size of her tummy. We grabbed some toilet or a tape measure and tried to guess how many inches her belly maybe. All guests inputted their answers into the chat feature in Zoom. Of course, save that toilet paper for later, I know it is a hot commodity.
- Guess the nursery rhyme. We played the nursery rhyme game where you fill in the blank of the nursery rhyme, but we wrote them down on a pad of paper then I revealed the answers.
- Guess songs with the word “baby” in it. I found a playlist on Spotify and played a portion of the song, and the first person to guess the correct song title in chat feature got a point.
- Midnight moments. We took 5 or so minutes to write on 3 to 5 notecards something funny or encourage they can be attached to a diaper. We then sent these in the mail to her!
- Wishes for the baby. I put together a template that each of us could print out and write our wishes for the baby. We also sent this to her in the mail.
Celebrate your friend, celebrate new life happening, this is such an exciting time! Just because we continue to social distance during this time does not mean we can’t still come together virtually.