It was never a question for my family whether I would return to work after having our daughter. My husband is a full time student, so I make our primary income in this season of life. My career has always been important to me – I worked hard to earn a Bachelor’s Degree and my MBA, and I worked my way into management in my company in two short years. I was lucky enough to be offered 4 months of paid maternity leave (something our country really needs to work on – but that’s another post for another time). So, I always knew that I would be the working mom.
Once my daughter was born, my perspective shifted. I went from “of course I will work, I would be so bored if I were a stay at home mom!” to “I cannot image going 8+ hours without cuddling this baby.” I no longer dreamed of running a company, but longed to be home with my sweet girl every day. In the last two weeks of my leave, I cried. I cried a lot. I cried at the thought of being away from her more than I would be with her. I cried at the thought of someone else “raising her.” I cried at the idea that she could take her first steps at daycare and I would miss it. I truly could not bear the thought of going back. But needless to say, I didn’t have a choice.
It truly was an adjustment at first and it was not easy settling into our new routine. Now we are three months into me being back at work, and I just want to say to the working mom:
I feel for you. I feel the sadness of dropping your sweet baby off at daycare every day. I feel the burden of having to schedule meetings around pumping sessions. I feel the hassle of having to lug your pumping supplies to and from the office. I feel the tug on your heart when you get the text from daycare that your baby is having a rough day. I feel the jealousy when you see all of you friends at home with their babies. I feel the guilt of not being there.
But Mama, I admire you for working so hard to give your baby the life she deserves. I cheer you on as you work hard to earn that next promotion. I am excited for you to come home every day to a baby that is so happy to see you. I commend you for getting yourself ready every morning after barely getting any sleep.
To the working mom, you are so strong. You are the best employee. You are the best mom to your sweet baby. You are an amazing role model. I feel for you Mama, but more than anything, I am so proud of you.