I recently turned 30 and had a hard time getting here. Not physically, but mentally. I struggled with not feeling “adult” enough to be here and mostly unsatisfied with where I am at in life. These are personal grievances I have with me and only me. For the sake of coping with this plunge into “real adulthood” I’ve made a list of things I want to do as I start this new decade.
Stop the comparison game:
We all do it. Social media has made it easier to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to everyone else. How does it go? Comparison is the thief of joy? Don’t compare your life to someone else’s highlight reel? However you put it, those little squares can be detrimental to our self esteem. So what we don’t own a home. We’re working on it. My SUV isn’t the nicest. That’s OKAY, it gets us around. I’m not the skinniest, my yoga pants aren’t Lulu and my kids have never been to Disneyland. I find myself listing all of the things we don’t have instead of all of the amazing, wonderful things we do have. I find some time away from my phone, and more focus on my own family takes all of those feelings away.
Drink more water + wear sunscreen:
I’m a beauty junkie. I read all of the blogs and try all the creams. The two things that are going to keep my “youthful glow” are so often neglected by me. They’re kind of a no brainer, too. Water is essential for all function (duh) and I’ve never met someone who regrets wearing sunscreen.
Be more present for my family:
I’m guilty of zoning out into my phone. I am a stay at home mom, so my days are spent alone with two tiny humans. My phone is how I get to adults, but the craving for adult interaction can trigger mom getting sucked in. Same goes for the nights with my husband after the kids go to bed. Once we’ve fed, bathed and gotten everyone to sleep, we often sit down and scroll. I want to be able to put my phone away more and spend quality time with my husband and kids.
Speak up:
I’m a people pleaser. When asked where I want to eat, I often say “I don’t care” or “You decide.” Why? I don’t know. That’s a small example, but I don’t know why I feel the need to put my feelings behind someone else’s, even for a simple task of deciding what to eat.
Read more:
Before I met my husband I used to read two to three books a month. I love to read and I don’t know when my favorite escape disappeared from my life. I’m setting my goal to read one book a month and hold myself accountable for it. I haven’t quite figured out what my punishment will be, but I’m thinking some time alone at Starbucks to reach my goal (a mama can dream).
Finish school:
This is my big goal, yours might be get a promotion or find that hobby that makes you want to escape a little. I recently re-enrolled to finish my last few classes before nursing school. This is my goal, for me. It’s one thing that went to the back burner once we had kids and now that they aren’t babies, it’s time for mom to finish what she started.