I am now scheduled for my 4th c-section delivery this December and if all goes well I plan to have more in the future.
I have come to the realization that this is how I have my children. And that is ok because they are all healthy and I know what to expect.
Keep reading for more tips from a local mom who has navigated c-sections and recovery multiple times.
I wouldn’t change anything about the birth’s of my children being c-sections. Each one is significant and special. I just have a different way of delivering them. Bonus, I get to pick my child’s birthday.
East Valley Moms
My first delivery: Emergency c-section
My first child was born in April 2008. I was a young 25 year old, healthy women. My pregnancy was easy. Really easy.
Everyone was great until the baby was suppose to arrive.
My due date came but no baby.
A week passed and still no baby.
I was only dilated 1 cm and a week overdue.
So after speaking with my doctor I decided to get this baby party moving and be induced.
Induction day was rough. 5am pitocin, the doctor stripped my membranes, and within 45 min I experienced full contractions with very little breaks in between.
After 7 hours of pain the baby could not handle the intensity any longer (only 3 cm dilated) and the doctor advised me to go forward with a c-section. It was really scary.
One week postpartum, c-section recovery:
The first week is tough. I couldn’t use my abs to sit up from lying down so I had to roll onto my side and then use my arms to sit.
By the second week I felt much better. Sitting up, walking, even cooking on my own. I could carry the baby in his car seat and it only got better from there.
Choosing a c-section for my second delivery
With my 2nd c-section it went much smoother. I decided to have a c-section from the start.
My first two kids are only 17 months apart and I didn’t want to risk laboring and having to do a c-section again or dealing with a rupture. (Here’s a Gilbert mom’s tips on How To Prepare for a Planned C-Section)
The recovery was about the same however this time I knew what to expect so I was prepared for my recovery. I was walking around the hospital floor only hours after the birth and it only took me a day before I was ready to head home.
One complication is I had a major headache in the front of my head. The doctor informed me sometimes that happens with a spinal block and there were too treatments: go to the hospital and have an epidural to remove the bubble in the spinal fluid or drink a lot of caffeine.
I chose the later, (one less trip back to the hospital) 1 giant can of Mt. Dew later and my headache was gone.
My third c-section experience in Gilbert, Ariz.:
I had my 3rd c-section in 2012 and it was pretty much the same as the 2nd with a similar quick recovery and procedure, no headache this time thank goodness. By the 3rd I felt very confident in my recovery process and my abilities (what I was capable of and what I should not do.)