Having your second kid is kind of like riding a bike, if the bike is an aqua bike and the water is up to your neck.
I say this because you know what to do this time around, and it’s just like getting on a bike you haven’t been on in a few years. However, you have another child, so you’re not quite drowning, but you feel like you might be (hence that aqua bike analogy).
Oh the feeling you get with two children.
The nice thing about baby number two is that this time, you aren’t as naive. You know this time around that these first few months are actually the easiest. The first time around, that newborn stage kicked your butt – it was terrifying and stressful. With your second though, you know that this newborn stage is actually pretty peaceful. They will never sleep this much again, this right here is the easy part. Those toddler years ahead, man, those are the hard ones. You know now that there is a reason they are called the “terrible twos” (if your first is already two). All the things people said to you the first time around, they were true. Remember how you laughed at people who said toddlers were hard? Well, who is laughing now?
You know this time around, that time is going to fly. The saying is SO unbelievably true- the days are long, but the years are short.
Maybe it’s just me, but I felt the transition from one to two, was WAY easier than none to one. I truly just tried to enjoy all the little naps, and feedings. I knew this time around that my baby would survive not being held 24/7. I know now that sometimes babies cry and fuss for no reason other than they are just crying and fussing. I know this time, that the “witching hour” is a real thing- just go with it, and survive it. I also know this time around that there are these sneaky magic months, where you feel like you are killing it at being a mom, your baby is adorable and sleeping well- which is an illusion because teething and sleep regressions are also real.
Those days where you feel like you are killing it- you are! Hold on to that feeling, we all have days that are overwhelming (where you feel like your on that aqua-bike)- especially in the baby years. You’ve got this momma. Here’s to two (or three, four, five and six)!
Photo credit: Wildlings Photo Co.