Can I be honest? This last month or so has been plain hard! A month filled with crazy busyness, deep loss & that nasty respiratory gunk that is going around! No fun at all.
You know the things in life that you don’t really plan for & you weren’t really expecting..? We all have expectations of how we would like our days, weeks, months, years… our life to go… but what happens when life throws you a curve ball & it takes you awhile to recover?
Honestly, I do not believe there is a simple answer. Some things require time. Time to grieve, time to process, time to heal and time to grow.
Life presents us mountaintop and valley experiences. We love the mountaintop experiences, right!? Exhilarating, encouraging & a breathtaking view from the top! The valley times… not so much… they can feel exhausting, lonely & it can be difficult to see beyond the circumstances.
Although, I do not have some quick fix “5 steps to happiness & to your perfect life” type of answer … I do have a few things I have been processing & learning. It’s time for some Real Talk!
- Life is better with others in it. We were not meant to journey through this life alone. We were created for relationship!! Identify “safe” people in your life. Who are the friends you can trust & share your heart with? Who are the friends that will not just give you a pat answer & avoid difficult or painful situations? We need those safe people who are not afraid of the mess & can walk into it with us.
- Vulnerability requires great courage! Not sure if you have read any of Brene Brown’s books or if you have watched her TED talks??? If not I HIGHLY recommend her. Life changing! Take a listen here and here!
- Our thoughts & our words are powerful! What we speak over our lives matters! “The tongue has the power of life and death…” Even when it is difficult to see beyond the valley we can still declare truth… we can speak life! Our children are watching & listening. We have been entrusted with these little lives & we have the awesome privilege to set an example for them… if they have not already, they too will experience difficulties.
- We don’t have to pretend. Be authentic! Some wise words from Beth Moore “Be authentic to all. Transparent to some. Intimate with few.” We do not have to share the depths of our soul with every friend but we also do not have to pretend that everything is “fine”.
Not sure where you are today but I want to encourage you … you are not alone. You are stronger & braver than you know! Keep moving forward!