This is about the time when people start making resolutions for the new year. I’ve made them in the past, but lets be real they’re the worst. Much like jogging.
So, this year I’ve decided to screw resolutions and just be the same person I was last year, this year. Its a crazy concept I know, but just roll with me.
I just don’t see any good reason for me to add another thing to stress over. I know its proven that if you write something down you’re more likely to achieve that thing, and I’m very happy for those people that this works for, but it does not work for me.
So it donned on me this past December, as I was already stressing to make a new years resolution, whats the point. Last year I simplified and just did a word of the year, cause I thought that seems pretty simple I could do that. Yeah, don’t even ask me what the word was, cause I forgot about it by March. I’m sure I could go back through my Instagram to find it, cause you know that would be an Insta worthy post, but whatevs.
My whole point is that it’s taken me far too long and far too many failed attempts to realized something, I don’t need to set resolutions. I just don’t, its not my bag baby. I know that there are so many of you that are the same. I just want you to know, Its okay to not set resolutions. Its okay to take a left turn into no resolutions land, it’s great over here it’s stress free!
Do not give in if you know setting resolutions don’t work for you. You are not a failure because you did not set a resolution. You are a winner cause you figure out what it is you want.
I’m just going to be over here living my no resolutions life, and there is plenty of room you are welcome to join.
Cheers to the New Year!