Hospital or birthing center? Doctor or Midwife? Epidural or natural? Are there other options?!
Moms today have more options than ever for the birth of their child (much less for what to do once the baby arrives – entirely different subject!). With so many choices, it’s easy to feel stressed about whether you’re making the “right” choices. Spoiler alert: There isn’t a “right choice”, but it’s important to research the best options available for you and your baby. From determining where you’d like to deliver, what type of provider to choose, and how you’d like to manage labor pain, Tempe St. Luke’s Hospital, part of IASIS Healthcare Arizona, offers choice-based maternity care that puts the power of birth in your hands.
Expectant Moms Breathe Easier during Labor and Delivery
As part of our ongoing commitment to being a hospital of choices for women preparing to give birth, Tempe St. Luke’s Hospital introduced a new pain management option for women in labor: nitrous oxide. This blend of 50% oxygen and 50% nitrogen enables women in labor to dull the pain and decrease anxiety without altering their senses or mobility.
Pain Management without Side Effects? Yes Please!
A main selling point for moms on nitrous oxide is that it’s self-administered, with no risk of overdosing and no side effects for themselves and/or their babies. “We are pleased to be able to offer another option to help moms manage pain during labor and childbirth without the concerns for side effects to themselves or their baby,” said Marla Vogt-Roberts, CNM, on the medical staff at Tempe St. Luke’s Hospital and Mountain Vista Medical Center.
Moms administer the gas by holding a mask to their face and taking deep breaths – typically as little as three is all it takes to help mom relax. According to Manisha Purohit, M.D., FACOG, OB/GYN physician on the medical staff at Tempe St. Luke’s Hospital and Mountain Vista Medical Center, “relaxed women typically progress better during labor, deliver sooner, and feel more in control of their experience.” The effects aren’t long-lasting, and typically clear the system before the next contraction begins.
Mom-tested, Mom-approved.
Amanda Williamson of Tempe was the first to use nitrous oxide at Tempe St. Luke’s Hospital for the birth of her second child. “When my first child was born, I had an epidural and I couldn’t feel a thing. When it came time to push, I didn’t know what or how to push because everything was numb. This time, I knew what to expect since it was my second birth, but I could also feel everything so my body knew exactly how and when to push.” Amanda added, “The nitrous oxide also helped my anxiety. Even though I could feel everything, I didn’t really worry about it.”
A Hospital of Choices
Offering nitrous oxide is just one of several things IASIS Healthcare is doing to empower modern moms for their labor and delivery. From birth preference forms, Gentle C-Sections (or “Family C-sections”), and multicultural birthing methods, we focus on putting moms in control of their hospital stay and labor and delivery experience before it even begins.
Where is Nitrous Oxide Available?
Currently Tempe St. Luke’s Hospital is one of only two major hospitals in Arizona to offer nitrous oxide for pain and anxiety management. Mountain Vista Medical Center, also part of IASIS Healthcare will be offering it in 2017.
For more information about childbirth services and options at Tempe St. Luke’s Hospital or Mountain Vista Medical Center, or to schedule an appointment with an IASIS Women’s Healthcare provider, visit