“I’m just a stay at home mom.”
I can hear it in my voice. The sound of reluctance as I quickly dismiss the question of what I do for work. It’s a questions I hate being asked. No, I’m not ashamed of being a mother. No, I don’t feel guilty for staying home with my daughter; it’s hard work! But to the outsiders who don’t have children or to those who were always inclined to go back to work after maternity leave, I feel like I have to downplay what I do. Don’t ask why, I don’t understand it either.
I first noticed I was saying this during dinner with my husband one evening. We were talking about his day at work and a few clients he was dealing with and before I knew it I was responding with “What do I know? I’m just a stay at home mom.” I continued on to say the only things I do all day are change diapers, let a tiny human use me as a napkin and try to resemble some sort of functioning adult. I am not changing lives. I am not interacting with the human race and I’m sure as heck not contributing to the household.
Now, you and I both know this is crazy talk. We all know that SAHMs do way more than the tasks I listed above. In addition to being a mom, I’m also the dog walker, the grocery shopper, the laundry attendant, the maid service, the personal shopper, the taxi driver, the chef, the baker and so much more. And on top of that, I volunteer for my sorority, I fundraise for causes that are important to me like the Alzheimer’s Association, and I blog for EVMB and my sorority.