How to Cope with Elementary School Drop-off Car Line


Elementary drop off car line. It’s the worst part of our daily school routine. Let’s talk about how to cope with this not-so-great part of the school day, since we’re doing it ten times every week. 

This 1980s classic Mr. Mom school drop off scene plays out on a daily basis at schools across the East Valley. 

I have already witnessed a car driving over the curb {I know the landscaping could use a little help, but tire tracks aren’t aesthetically pleasing}.

I have been honked at {the loud, lay on the horn type of honking}.

I have been called “stupid,” and watched a fender bender in the school parking lot.  

And school just started six weeks ago!  

Our mission at car line drop off is this – getting our children to school safely and reveling in the joy that for six+ hours they are out of our hair!  Woo Hoo! 

Our mission at pick-up is this- getting our children home safely and reveling in the joy that they may have actually learned something! 

We all have the same mission.  At least, I hope we do.

So, here are some tips to help you get through elementary school drop-off and pick-up with the least amount of stress. And, if you’re new to this school thing with a new kindergartener, 8 things I wish I knew before dropping my kindergartener off!


East Valley Moms

1.       Everyone’s Time is Just as Important as Yours

We all have some place we need to be, whether it’s home, an after school activity, or an appointment, but if we remember that everyone’s time is important we will be less stressed when we have to wait a few extra seconds for the car ahead to back out of their parking spot.

2.     Smiles are Free!

Dropping off and picking up with a smile on your face will not only make you feel better, but it will make those around you feel better as well, which in turn creates a less stressful environment. Believe me, I’m guilty of not having a smile on my face some days in this heat, but a smile does make the world a better place.

3.       Give Yourself Enough Time in the Morning

A former co-worker had a saying, “Your lack of planning is not my problem.”  She couldn’t be more right.  Same thing for drop off car line at school.Nothing is more stressful than trying to get yourself and the kids out the door under a time restraint. 

But the pressure is two-fold if you are running late.  Make sure you allow yourself enough time in the morning.  And the law abiding citizen who is driving the 15 MPH speed limit in a school zone, it’s not his problem if you are late.  Let him be your reminder to slow down.  And if you need to set every clock in your house ahead 10 minutes, just do it!

4.       Give Yourself Enough Time in the Afternoon

The same rule applies in the afternoon for elementary drop off car line. Try to make sure your kids after school activities are timed so that you’re not squealing out of the school parking lot at pick-up.  Squealing tires are only cool on a high school campus, not an elementary one.  In fact, I take that back.  Squealing tires may never be cool.

Remember, we’re all in the same boat, I mean, mini van.  We just want our kids to arrive at school, and home after school, unharmed.  Driving safely in and around our schools is as important as eating your greens and drinking plenty of water.  In case you’re wondering, my downfall is Rule #3.  I am not a morning person.  But I am the moron driving 15 MPH in the school zone, even when we are running late.  Safety first!

Do you find elementary drop off car line stressful?  Does your child’s school have a good system for drop-off and pick-up? We’d love to hear what works! Or your worst stories! 



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