This month I say goodbye to having all preschoolers. My oldest becomes a school aged kid, and I am not ready.
I know I am not the only parent who has dealt with the sadness in transitioning their child to kindergarten and I know there are plenty of parents who are so excited to see their child become a Kindergartner.
I’m excited for my Asher to be a big kid and learn so many new and exciting things, but I am also scared and honestly a little sad. Everything has gone by so fast. It truly feels like yesterday he was born and then two minutes later he is riding bikes, playing with LEGO and asking for Star Wars on TV.
I pray that I have prepared him enough. I hope I have instilled enough values to start him off in school and behave when mom isn’t watching and to be respectful to everyone. Most of all I pray the other kids will be kind in return to him. I think the biggest part of all this that freaks me out, is that once Asher goes to Kindergarten, my other three are not far behind.
Next year Jace will start Kindergarten, followed by Maggie the next and then a year after Maggie, Aiden. When Asher starts kindergarten I slowly transition out of the years of ABCS, 123, Mickey Mouse clubhouse, and afternoons spent with mommy and into full time school runs. Am I alone in being sad about that? I feel like sometimes I may have wasted the years I had and have with them full time. Do moms ever feel like they get enough time with their babies? Did I spend enough time capturing all the memories I could’ve with them in their little years? It doesn’t feel like it.
However, I also know I have so much to look forward to in the school years as well. I am not sure what they will all entail, but I do know that I need to embrace and take advantage of the years I still have them with me. All seasons bring change and all seasons are special in their own way. Goodbye preschool.