Dear Baby,
Mama, has to go back to work tomorrow. I have been able to spend 12 amazing uninterrupted weeks with you. We have gotten to learn about one another and become very fond of each other. We have been through lots of laughs and have shed many tears. We have snuggled and shared lots of kisses. I have seen you grow each week and have gotten to see you learn more about the world around you.
My favorite parts have been in the quiet moments when we just sit and cuddle together. Our eyes will lock and you’ll give me the biggest grin ever. This is what I will miss most about our days together. Just you and me time, uninterrupted and so special.
Tomorrow mommy has to go back to work and be away from you for 10 or so hours. This will be the longest we have been a part in the 12 weeks we have spent together. I have been dreading this day since before you were even born. I knew it was going to be so hard to go back to work after my maternity leave. I tried my best to put it out of my mind and just focus on you and spending the quality time I was loving. But here we are, the day came and our time flew by.
I woke up today in tears thinking about tomorrow. I know it will be way harder on me to kiss your tiny little face in the morning each day and leave for work than it will be for you. I prayed so long and hard for you and now that I have you I don’t want to leave you.
But, mama has to go so she can give you everything you want. To be the best mother I can be, I need to go back to work. It might take us both time to adjust to our new schedules, but it will eventually not be so hard. Just know Mommy will always come back home to you. I will still give you all the kisses and cuddles you need when I get home. I know once I hold you in my arms again nothing else will matter and all the seconds away will be worth it.
Forever yours,