It’s March, and many of us have already failed at keeping our New Year’s Resolutions. However, it is not too late to get back on track and make positive changes this year. We have the opportunity to do so each day. Starting fresh can be a challenge because there’s no guilt like mom guilt, and that can keep you stuck in your perceived failures. For example, if you’re a working mom, you may feel like you should be home. If you’re a stay at home mom, you feel like you should be accomplishing more because you’re not working outside the home. I won’t even start talking about the guilt moms often feel about screen time, breastfeeding, housecleaning, etc.
You’re Doing Better Than You Think
As you can see, in the course of a day there are numerous things for moms to feel bad or inadequate about. I’m here to tell you to stop it. Just. Stop. It.
Being a mom is a hard but very rewarding job, and some days are more challenging than others. Having a tough day (or week) doesn’t mean you’re not doing a great job overall. We all make mistakes & have things we need to work on. But for the most part, if your child is happy, safe, healthy, and thriving, you’re most likely doing a great job.You know that every day you’re doing all you can to be the best mom you can be & raise your child with the knowledge that they are loved and special. Hold on to that and don’t fall prey to mom guilt every time you don’t do something perfectly, or as well as you think some other mom does it.
So, how do you keep from giving in to mom guilt? First, stop being so hard on yourself. Then, embrace the daily chance we get for a do-over. If your little prince or princess had some extra TV time yesterday because it was the only way mom was going to be able to shower or take a break to regain her sanity, it will be okay. Did your child have mac & cheese for dinner for the fourth night this week because mom didn’t have time to cook a more elaborate meal? Shake it off, get some rest, defrost some chicken, and start again tomorrow with a plan to cook something your whole family will love. It’s okay when things aren’t perfect; understanding what is and isn’t important will help you relax and take each day in stride.
Each day is a gift, and every morning we get to choose to forget what may or may not have happened the day before and start again. Every day we get a do-over – we can try something new or do something differently. “I’d really love to master my slow cooker”, you may say. Sounds great – just begin by trying one new recipe. If you want to have more quality time with your kids, determine that some of those “important” things you’re stressing about can wait. Choose to make time for play time! There are so many small changes we can make that will produce more happiness and a greater sense of satisfaction. The key is to embrace the opportunity that each day brings.
Moms, if you haven’t done so lately, look at yourselves in the mirror and say, “You are awesome”. Because you are. Today is a new day, so do your best to make the most of it. If things don’t go according to plan, it’s okay – you can start over tomorrow.