A few weeks ago I randomly decided it was time, for the big move. With a little less than 6 months from when baby 4 arrives I knew it was time to have my 2 1/2 year old move from the crib to a toddler bed. Sometimes, just the thought of having your perfectly caged in, sleeping soundly child moved to a cage free, all access to roaming bed can be frightening, but its inevitable. Even with this being the third crib to bed transition it can be scary to start.
We’re in a few weeks now and things have been very smooth. Thank the heavens for that. I thought I’d share what works for us to have a happy transition. These are obviously just suggestion cause every child responds differently. You know your child better than anyone so you do what works for you. You do you! But if you’re not sure how to start or just need that pep talk to get you through, I hope this list helps!
- Get your kid involved in the set up. The first thing we did was we set up the bed with our son. He helped hold up the parts, and handed us tools when we needed them. He was so excited for this mysterious piece of furniture to be put together. When we finished setting it up, we clapped, cheered and high fives were given. He was so excited to be apart of putting it together.
- Have your child make his bed. Next we put the bed in his room and explained that this is where he will sleep now. He got on it tested his jumping skills then sat down and examined the bed. Together we moved everything that was in his crib onto his bed. He helped put all this special bed time toys, blankets and pillow just were he wanted them.
- Be consistent. I think this is one of the hardest thing for me. Its hard when they get up and bang on the door or open it, peek out and scream toddler language profanities at you, but if i learned anything at all from the super nanny its consistency pays off. Eventually it will become second nature to them.
- And most important thing I’ve learned is DON’T PANIC! If nothing goes to plan it’s going to be okay. Children can smell the fear on you, don’t let them see it! Usually my plans don’t go, well, as planned and I just need to stop, take a chill pill, and keep trying. I’ve learned to roll with the punches set my expectations a little lower and start from there.
In the end it may take weeks or months for your child to get the hang of sleeping in a toddler bed, but the joy you feel when they finally get it, indescribable! You might end up sneaking into their room and just staring at them sleeping so soundly in their big bed. Its the best!!
I hope when you decide to make the switch, its smooth sailings.
GOOD LUCK PARENTS!! I know you can do it!