I hear it all the time.
“Gosh, Andrea. You make it look so easy. How do you do it all?”
Answer: I don’t.
Eight months ago I delivered my second set of twins, bringing the number of humans I am responsible for keeping alive up to five. When we found out we were having twins again, I had no earthly idea how I was going to manage it all. My family, my faith, my business, my blog, homework, and the kids’ activities are all things I love and I wasn’t willing to give any of it up. Add a new podcast in the mix, and well, life gets a little crazy.
But it all gets done, mostly. Sometimes, it might be late.
Here are my 8 secrets to getting it all done and kinda holding it together:
- My hubs and his awesome work schedule. My husband is a sous chef at a local restaurant. He works at 11am (or later) 4 days a week. He is always off during the week, usually on Monday and Tuesday which is when the majority of my business junk gets done. This schedule is the only reason I am able to run my successful work from home web design business, personal blog and podcast without losing my ever-loving mind. He also does more than his fair share of cleaning and laundry.
- My momma. My husband works nights, so most afternoons after I pick the older boys’ up at school, we head to my mom’s for dinner. She keeps me sane and I promise you I could not do this whole five kids thing without her. It literally breaks my heart to think about all my friends who don’t have their moms anymore. I can’t imagine my life without her.
- My girls. Whether it be a last minute ride to school for the boys because their baby sister needed to sleep and hubs had training at 6am or the gals you throw one of your babies at during the church picnic because your husband’s working and you are rolling solo, I have some of the best girlfriends ever and there is no doubt in my mind that they would do anything for me.
- God. I couldn’t do ANY OF THIS without Him. He grounds me and propels me forward or tells me its time to take a chill pill. When I’m about to lose it during Mass on Sunday because the 2 year old won’t stop climbing under the pew and both babies are crying, He always sends over someone to help us out. He is my rock. #truestory
- My baby carriers. Sometimes the toddler just needs mama (or needs to be contained at Church. Or the baby is so tired, but no amount of cradling will do the trick). My Lillebaby carriers save my life and give me hands when I need it.
- Formula. I simply do not have the dedication to breast feed. I hadn’t planned on breastfeeding these newest babes at all, but then they were born 12 weeks early, so the breast pump and I became BFFs. Again. That lasted until about 2 weeks after discharge. With a 2 year old, a 20 minute drive to and from school (for a total daily drive time of 1.5 hours minimum), helmet and physical therapy appointments, I would have lost my mind if I had tried to keep up. Plus, my hubs splits the feedings with me. A happy baby is a fed baby. #amiright?
- No TV. I cannot tell you the last time I watched a show on TV. We axed cable about 6 years ago. We have Netflix and Amazon. Occasionally, I’ll get a wild hair and I’ll watch an episode or two of Friends or Charmed with my nightly glass of vino. But I haven’t regularly watched a show in years. Now, when the kids go to bed, I follow shortly after, which usually ends up being about 8:30. This is how I do the next thing on my list.
- 4:30am wake up. It cracks me up to think that 9 years ago, 430am was my freaking bed time. My how times have changed. Now, the babies wake me up around 4-430, I feed them and they go back to sleep. I brew my coffee, get my bible, the laptop and my day begins.
In short, ladies, my tribe (my God, my guy and my girls) is what keeps me going and somewhat sane. All in all, I love my chaotic life and just know if you see me in the school pickup line and it looks like I have my ish together, I probably have 2 screaming babies in the seats behind me because I forgot the bottles (or the formula) at home.