Erica Jenkins

Erica Jenkins
Santa Sightings Holiday Guide | East Valley Moms Blog

Santa Sightings in and around the East Valley

Santa sightings are on the horizon, he's coming to town! Here is a list of where he's headed in and out of town. Experience jolly ol' St. Nick with your family this holiday season.  Check...
Why is being an adult so confusing? | East Valley Moms Blog

Why is being an adult so confusing?

As an adult do you ever have those days, weeks, or months where you just stop and think, what am I doing with my life? I've been thinking this quite a bit over the last...

2017 Haunted Houses in and around East Valley

Ahwatukee Haunted House & Hayride:  4700 E. Warner Rd Phoenix |  85044 Hours of Operation: Friday, October 27th; 6 pm - 10 pm Saturday, October 28th; 6 pm - 10 pm Sunday, October 29th; 6 pm - 9 pm Adult Admision $9 Child Admission...

2017 Pumpkin Picking Events

Best way to get into the fall spirit is to take your family to pick the perfect pumpkin!  Pumpkin patches in Arizona are few and far between but are packed with so much more than...
The Shopping Cart Dilemma | East Valley Moms Blog

The shopping cart dilemma: Return it or Leave it

I have to keep talking about this right now, because apparently shopping cart issues is something we take very seriously in the East Valley.  When taking over EVMB instagram, I shared my strong opinions about...