Ashton Kelly
Keys to a Suc-sex-ful Marriage
Disclaimer: If you clicked on this article expecting '50 ways to please your husband' please refer to this month's Cosmopolitan magazine!
Alright, now that you know you're not getting a list of positions or erotic...
GRANDPARENTS DAY: The Gift of Grandparents
Grandparents are a gift. If you grew up knowing yours, consider yourself blessed. Sure, they might have weird habits or be cranky at times but they love in ways parents don't.
I am lucky to...
It’s Okay to Cry
I'm not much of a crier. At least not publicly.
For most of my life, I've been the emotional support system for my family. When my parents divorced, I was the strong one for my...
Nordstrom Anniversary Sale: Favorite Items for Men
We know, we know...dads, you feel left out of this whole #NSale thing. Or maybe you just think your significant other is crazy for buying fall clothes in the middle of summer. Either way,...
Experience the Magic
As a parent, I often discuss the decision to opt for experiences over things. It is something my husband and I have enjoyed. We love the fun times and memories it brings. Is it...