Ashley Lessard
I’ll Say it: I’m Jealous of C-sections
I know I'll get a lot of hate for this one, but I can't help how I feel. I've been jealous of other mom's c-sections.
I wouldn't trade either of my baby's births for the...
Hitting Back
On my way to work the other day, I heard an interesting debate on the radio. The debate was about a kindergarten program in Phoenix that began an initiative to get kids to tell...
Teenage Lingo 101
As someone who works all day with teenagers and tries SO hard to get to know all 200 on a personal level to connect their education to their real life. I've realized that I...
I don’t know what “self-care” is
I've spent a majority of my life worrying and stressing about others. I constantly worry about how others feel or making others happy, and it has been that way for as along as I...
The Feeling You Get With Two Children
Having your second kid is kind of like riding a bike, if the bike is an aqua bike and the water is up to your neck.
I say this because you know what to do...