East Valley Moms

East Valley Moms
At East Valley Moms we’re a group of local moms who are passionate about connecting other moms to one another and to our community! Whether you’re an experienced mom, a newbie, expecting, or aspiring to be a mom someday, this blog is for you! Join us as we navigate this journey that is motherhood in the East Valley!

8 Life-Changing Beauty Hacks for Moms

The instant we become moms our focus and priority becomes all about our babies, and rightfully so. We love them so much and know they were given to us to love, nurture, and protect....

To The Moms Who Still Have Their Moms Around: Celebrate Her

I took my kids to the park today and there was an older couple there playing with their two year-old grandson. We got to talking and they told me they were visiting their daughter...

Viva la Brunch! | A Waffle and MOMosa Bar

  Let there be brunch! Nothing better than getting together with friends with a side of sunshine and champagne. My favorite way to celebrate brunch is with mis amigas. Rather than going out and paying...

Teacher Appreciation Gift Ideas

Teachers provide a vital service to our children and communities, and they definitely deserve our admiration and appreciation.  At the end of the school year, parents and students often give gifts to teachers to...

The Force is Strong in My Family

"The Force is strong in my family. My father has it, I have it.....my sister has it." is one of the most well known lines in Star Wars history AND just happens to describe...