East Valley Moms

East Valley Moms
At East Valley Moms we’re a group of local moms who are passionate about connecting other moms to one another and to our community! Whether you’re an experienced mom, a newbie, expecting, or aspiring to be a mom someday, this blog is for you! Join us as we navigate this journey that is motherhood in the East Valley!
Understanding Anticipatory Grief

Understanding Anticipatory Grief

**This article is anonymous to protect the writers identity. We express our love and gratitude towards her bravery and courage to share this story with the hope it may help others.  Grief. The idea of it...
Fun Family Friendly Things to do in San Diego | East Valley Moms Blog

Fun Family Friendly Things to Do in San Diego

Like so many people who live in the Valley, our family enjoys visiting San Diego because of the beautiful scenery and awesome weather, among other things.  For Spring Break, we made a last minute...
Controlling Chaos | East Valley Moms Blog

Controlling Chaos

  "It" began when I was a  child. "It" became worse and a bit more obsessive when I shared a room with my younger sister. My, much messier sister. The "it" refers to what I'll...
How My Hair Changed Everything | East Valley Moms Blog

How My Hair Changed Everything

Guess what? You are amazing. You are important. You can do anything. You can be a magical glittery unicorn. I have always been a people pleaser. I don't know if it's because I'm the firstborn child,...
Finding The Right School for your Child | East Valley Moms Blog

Finding The Right School for your Child

Finding the right school for our oldest child was an extreme task, we started him in daycare when he turned 1, and by 2 ½ we were looking for something more structured. By the...