Taking Cara Babies has been my saving grace as a new mom. Megan recently reviewed the ABC’s of Sleep and we use those principles every time my daughter goes to sleep.
The founder, Cara has an Instagram, blog, and offers classes that apply to your baby. It has truly been my bible when trying to figure out my daughter’s sleep.
I was a first-time mom and had no idea what I was doing. When my daughter started to struggle with her sleep, I did more research and discovered that buying Cara’s classes would be well worth it.
My daughter was an okay sleeper to begin with, but I figured I would learn something from her newborn class. That class helped set a baseline for her sleep. I thought I was prepared and had a good handle on things, then the 4-month sleep regression hit. YIKES!
Taking Cara Babies offers a “Navigating Months 3 & 4” class, this was my only hope to help with these sleepless nights we were having again. This class helped me understand what was going on with my daughter’s development, how to help her during this time by using certain tools or strategies, and how to stay positive/patient during this regression.
This class will teach you how to manage feedings, using appropriate wake windows, ideas for a schedule to follow, how to teach your baby to self-soothe, and some troubleshooting tips for the nursery (i.e. sound machine, blackout blinds, sleep routine, etc.) It took some time, but eventually, we got through the dreaded 4-month sleep regression.
I have included Taking Cara Babies in a previous blog post, “10 Things Should Have Put On My Baby Registry” because it really helped us along the way and I can’t think of a better gift for an expecting mother.
This class is a must! This one (3-4 Month Sleep Regression) has been my favorite class (I bought all 3!) because it was the most helpful. It is well worth it because you can’t really put a price on a good night’s sleep!