Let’s talk self care…
Before social distancing, we would go get a good massage, pamper ourselves with a facial, attend a yoga class, or relax during a pedicure; but times have changed.
Now, we are relaxing in the bathtub, enjoying a nice book, quietly meditating in the closet, or taking a short walk at sunset.
Today, while putting on my makeup I found myself reminiscing about the time I got my brows microbladed.
After years of over tweezing ( I know, I know…) and BAD wax jobs, I had next to nothing for eyebrows. I had two little thin straight lines widely spaced above my eyes. My brows had zero shape. I’m not very good with makeup, but even when I tried drawing them on or coloring them in; they just looked sad.
As a single mom, I rarely get to “treat” myself but was educated on microblading after signing a contract with a local modeling agency and was instantly intrigued.
No more losing my brows in the sauna or while swimming
No more stressing about drawing on that perfect brow
No more waxing or tweezing
Count me in!
I did some research to see what options were available close to me. I stumbled upon the cutest little studio and scheduled an appointment right away.
I was extremely nervous, but my anxiety quickly disappeared when I realized I was in such good hands. All my questions were answered as the procedure was explained in such detail. I am definitely one who is all about the details.
I laid down and we began color matching and mapping out the shape of my new brows. I never knew this was such a science, but was so grateful for the time put into this process.
The procedure was fairly quick and practically painless. I was shocked to be honest. I think I had really worked it up to be something completely different in my mind.
I absolutely love my brows!
Not only was it a good way to treat myself, but they’ve made me feel more confident.
I no longer stress and worry so much as I prepare for auditions. I wake up feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed; ready to take on the day!
It saves me time when I get ready.
I can even wear less makeup now, which is always a plus being the busy single mom that I am!
I do still fill them in a bit if I’m going out, but I could totally put on a little mascara and be good to go; which is an amazing feeling as a woman… In my 30’s!
It might be a while until we can back out to do things like this, but I highly recommend having your brows microbladed. Until then, I’ve included a list of activities below to help you pass the time while in quarantine.
Take a bath
At home workout
Go on a hike
Bake something
Binge Netflix
Read a book
Give yourself a facial / do a mask
Are you taking care of yourself during quarantine?