There are many different traditions we have, but there are many I would consider “traditional” traditions. Most people make Christmas cookies and put them out for Santa, watch whatever Christmas movie they love and drink hot chocolate, or go driving around looking at Christmas lights. However throughout the years, I’ve heard of some non-traditional traditions families incorporate into their holiday season. Here are some of my favorites:
Christmas pajamas on Thanksgiving
I usually wait till Christmas Eve, because our tradition is to get all the cousins together and open one gift which is always Christmas pajamas. I love this tradition. However, a good friend of mine decided she wanted her kids to use their Christmas pajamas the whole season. On Thanksgiving night, all the kids open up a present with their new Christmas pajamas inside. I think it’s a fun twist on what is a “traditional” tradition and allows the kids to really get use out of their themed pajamas.
Christmas Eve dinner
I think a lot of people with either have a big Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve or on Christmas Day, usually with a turkey or ham. Our family has done chili for Christmas Eve in the past and there was talk of each family bringing a different soup or chili to contribute which I think is super fun and super cozy. Hopefully this will be something we continue for years to come. A few times when I was in college my family decided to join a tradition with some other families of going to get Chinese food on Christmas Eve. It was a really fun way to celebrate in a non traditional way.
New Years Pictures
I love doing our family pictures in early November and getting Christmas cards out right after Thanksgiving and usually I get them out on my timeline, but it is a struggle. Obviously, being a mom is busy and some times you need until New Years to get all the cards out. My friend actually has done this since they were married. They had a really cool wedding date of New Years Eve and as long as we have known them, have done a New Year’s Card to send out to friends and family. It’s such a fun way to celebrate a New Year and also avoid being lost in the chaos of Christmas cards.
Tacos for Santa?
We have always done Christmas cookies and milk for Santa, but there is a meme floating around regarding what Santa REALLY wants left out. Apparently, he wants tequila and tacos. Which frankly, I can’t fault the guy. I don’t know anyone who has actually done this, but it might be fun for the kids to write to Santa and ask what he likes in terms of cookies and drink choices. And maybe what the guy really needs is some coffee and a protein bar. It’s not easy getting to every house around the world in less than 24 hours!
Games after presents
A lot of families probably play games like charades or Pictionary around Christmas times. Growing up, the whole Christmas season was filled with game playing, usually resulting in my uncles fighting over the right way to play. Typical brotherly competition. However, one friend of mine made it a game to hide baby Jesus from the nativity before Christmas and it would either magically appear Christmas Day or someone would find it beforehand, usually to be hidden a second or third time. Another friend apparently has a yearly tradition of present opening and then a blue tarp is laid out and a game of “chubby bunny” commences.
I love hearing about the twists people put on traditions or “non-traditions” that they have in their own families. Do you have a unique family tradition for the holidays? How did it come about?