Let’s face it. Most of us who live in Queen Creek moved here because houses were/are significantly cheaper.
I know that’s the only reason we moved out here a few years ago, but we’ve stayed because we’ve fallen in love.
The plan was always to move back “home” to Gilbert, but now that we are here, we truly love it and all its potential. It’s full of young families like ours, and lots of new shopping, entertainment and parks.
If I have to choose though, I’ve narrowed it down to my top 6 favorite things we love about Queen Creek, AZ!
Let me know what your favorite things are in the comments! We would love to hear why you love Queen Creek too!
The Parks and Splash Pads
Living in Queen Creek means everything is new, almost everything has been built in the last five to 10 years. So the parks, splash pads, and recreation are brand new.
They’ve really thought of everything kids and parents need when it comes to the parks. Not only is it all new, it’s ALWAYS clean.
I’m really not sure how the Queen Creek Parks and Recreation department does it, but they are always thinking of new events and keeping their current parks and splash pads clean.
We have loved the Queen Creek Ice Cream Socials at the splash pads this year!
The Shopping
Seriously, everything is new! Including ALL the new shopping, and it really just keeps getting better.
With Costco, Aldi, another Fry’s and more on the way! My biggest fear moving to Queen Creek was that I was constantly going to be driving out of Queen Creek to get what I needed. I can honestly say I never have to drive more than a few miles now to get everything.
With toddlers, it’s always appreciated to be able to run all my errands close by and close together! The Queen Creek Marketplace is our favorite place to run errands and enjoy a treat!
The Community
Queen Creek has a huge small town vibe while being one of the fastest growing areas in the state.
It’s quiet, our neighbors are friendly, and it’s all new families with great schools.
I love how hard the town council works to keep this town looking and feeling like a small town, even with the massive growth in shopping, entertainment, and people. We’ve enjoyed Queen Creek’s founders day and of course all the small town vibe events Schnepf Farm hosts!
The Events
The parks and rec team here in Queen Creek does an absolutely amazing job. The yearly events, parades, activities continue to amaze me year after year.
The Easter activities this year were a huge hit with my family, we love seeing what “Spring Into QC” activities’ they come up with every year.
We also love Messy Fest every year, along with Founder’s Day Festival, the annual trunk or treat, Valentine’s day dance and the splash pad Ice cream socials.
Mom hack: Be sure to follow the town of queen creek on instagram and facebook to see upcoming events, or check out the parks and recreation website for their kid’s classes and activities year-round.
The hiking and walking paths
Being so close to a couple mountains is awesome for families like ours who love to hike!
We love going out to San Tan Mountain with the kids, the wide trails, and beautiful scenery make it an awesome hike with the kids when the weather is nice.
Our favorite part of Queen Creek though is probably the Queen Creek wash. It’s 6 miles of paved road that goes underneath the main roads of queen creek for the perfect biking, walking, running, horseback riding experience!
With the pathway going under the main roads there are no cars or stops whatsoever. My husband loves it because he can “road” bike without actually being on an unsafe road with lots of cars.
You can find the details for the Queen Creek wash and the Sonoqui wash here.
The Food
Obviously there is great local food in almost every town, but being that I love food, I had to comment on the local cuisine of Queen Creek.
Sushi Creek and Sushi Neko are two AMAZING sushi joints out here in Queen Creek. As well as the classic Queen Creek Olive Mill. Queen Creek is also home to my favorite coffee trailer The Exchange!
My favorite food related thing about queen creek is the Queen Creek Feastival, which happens every Friday night! It hosts a variety of food trucks so you can walk around and try a little bit of everything!
We also have everyone’s local favorites- Oreganos, Barrio Queen, Chop Shop, and more!
Want to see why we love other parts of the valley? Check out the rest of the “Love my Hood” series here!