Hear Me Out: I Think Being Left Out Makes You a Better Friend


So here me out, being left out sucks regardless of the scenario. Trust me, I know. I’ve been left out of many things in my life.

However, I’m starting to realize, that being left out kind of makes me a better person overall. I know it sounds crazy, but think about it for a minute…

All too often in life we hear the phrase “Treat others the way you want to be treated.” Mostly as kids, and probably know something we say to our own kids. What if as moms we change that phrase to something more relatable? Like, be the friend you would want to have?

I think being left out makes us consciously think about not leaving others out. 

Let’s include others because we haven’t always been included. 

Let’s love our friends and family, even if they haven’t always loved us. 

Let’s listen to others because we haven’t always been heard.

Let’s stand up for the little guy, because people haven’t always stood up for us.

Let’s lift others up because sometimes we’ve been pushed down. 

Let’s be understanding because people haven’t always understood us. 

Let’s be caring, include everyone and take the opportunity to learn from our hardships.

I could keep going, but you get my point.

I’ve spent so much time sulking over things I cannot change, and I’m sure at some point in your life you have too (considering you clicked to read about this because you can relate!)

I’ve realized that instead of eating that pint of ice cream and wondering why I wasn’t invited to a friend’s birthday party (AGAIN) after being friends for 3 years…I’ll make sure I’m paying attention.

I’m not going to leave someone out because they don’t have cool Instagram posts or because they don’t share the same beliefs as me. Instead, I’m going to listen, I’m going to continue to include everyone, and make sure my friends always know I’m being considerate of their feelings, too.


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