East Valley Moms

East Valley Moms
At East Valley Moms we’re a group of local moms who are passionate about connecting other moms to one another and to our community! Whether you’re an experienced mom, a newbie, expecting, or aspiring to be a mom someday, this blog is for you! Join us as we navigate this journey that is motherhood in the East Valley!

You Know It’s Been a While When You Smell Like…..

You know its been awhile when your sweat smells like Barro’s… Yes, this sounds gross.   while diligently working to create space in my downward facing dog.  Palms press evenly into the mat, heels inch...

The Power of One Word. Pregnancy.

  Pregnancy.   Pregnancy. This word is a powerful word. Many associate it with joy and happiness. Some associate it with sadness and fearfulness. Some associate it with a mixed of emotions due to it's dynamic...
Company Is Coming | Make it simple and don't stress

Company Is Coming: Make It Simple and Don’t Stress

Company is coming and Mom's, I know you can relate to this post and OMG this video!  I’m not a huge comedy fan, I’d rather watch mystery’s, action, and suspense.  I don’t find the...

My 30 Day Social Media Detox

Facebook makes me a bad mom. Okay, that’s not true; but it does make me a distracted one. “Mommy! Come and see what I drew!” My three year old runs into the kitchen while...
How to start a successful side gig

How to Start a Successful Side Gig

So I sorta started a new business last month. I totally didn’t mean to. And I still don’t want to call it a real business. I prefer the term side gig. Or side hustle. There...