East Valley Moms

East Valley Moms
At East Valley Moms we’re a group of local moms who are passionate about connecting other moms to one another and to our community! Whether you’re an experienced mom, a newbie, expecting, or aspiring to be a mom someday, this blog is for you! Join us as we navigate this journey that is motherhood in the East Valley!

Working Moms, Stay-at-Home Moms, and Why We Need Each Other

Last month, fellow contributor Jen Bosen and I went live on Facebook to chat about the things that unite us in motherhood.  Too often, we hear about the Mommy Wars, but my experience has -...

A Wife’s Guide to Fantasy Football

It's that time of year fellow football wives.... That time of year when most of us hardly see our husbands on Sundays...and Mondays...and oh snap, Thursdays...add a few hours throughout the week in the evenings...

Back to the Island- Taking My Kids Home

    Can you believe it has been ten years since Ive been back home to visit? I feel like thats a common statement for many who've moved away from home. Yet my "home" is Maui!  How could...

Why Women Should Lift Weights

I have always been a person who enjoys exercise, but sometimes you feel that you put in the time and don't see the results. This was up until I started to focus in on...

The Working Mom: 10 reasons why it’s okay to be one and the key...

A working mom (WM) never cooks, their house is messy, and they can’t possibly have a bond with their kids.  Hold up!  Of course I’m kidding but also exposing the assumption that many stay...